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The Elispheric® Movement PDF Print E-mail
Written by Emmanuel Lagnien   
Friday, 05 August 2011 12:58

The effects on the body

The observation of the movement of the vertebrae ones on others, the elispheric® movement of the plate reproduces the natural spiral movements of muscles and joints patterns of the body.
The Elispheric® Movement stimulates a deep proprioception and restores the musculopostural balance of the body: functional exercises proposed by IMOOVE® take advantage of the instability of the plate and through the sollicitation of all functions of proprioceptive and biomechanics adaptation, train control motor and postural of the body as well as joint flexibility. 

The control of instability, in a context of fully controlled disbalance, combined with the attentional mobilization tasks, restores and develops proprioceptive skills and generates musculoskeletal health of the body.

All parameters of the Elispheric Movement® are completely adjustable to customize the training according to the capacities of everyone: young or elderly people, athletes and people with a sedentary life. Thanks to the Elispheric® Movement, you offer a musculopostural and proprioceptive rehabilitation of high quality dedicated to everybody!

To the oscillating movement on central pivot to the eccentric movement on hemisphere: the Elispheric Movement ®, real world innovation!


Exclusive patent Allcare Innovations, the Elispherique® movement is the combination of a multitude of elliptical tracks on an portion of a sphere: it follows a set of movements, both different and complementary, that enable to act on the body appropriately and respond effectively to the « osteomuscular » and articular diseases.

Last Updated on Thursday, 13 October 2011 22:14

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